We didn't do much for Christmas this year; no turkey, no big family gathering, not even a traditional viewing of the Muppets' Christmas Carol. It was nice to have a quiet holiday, though. I finally got a Kindle, which has already made my commute a million times more enjoyable.

I was in the kitchen a lot over winter break. Highlights include peppermint marshmallows, white chocolate biscotti, candied almonds, and (pictured) peppermint almond chocolate bark. Can you sense a bit of a theme?

On New Years Eve my friend Robyn and I went to the Astoria ($10! No line! Baby Duck by the bottle!) where we ran into Jordan (in the above photo avec moi), one of my PR classmates. Many good times were had, and if I could remember any of them I'd elaborate, but I can't, so...

I'll be honest...as glamourous as my life must seem (stop laughing) I spent most of my time cuddling with my favourite feline and sneezing constantly as a result. It was a good winter break.
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