Tuesday, November 30, 2010

End of Semester Blues

It's that time of year where in my mind the semester is already over, but in reality I still have five projects to do.

English - Essay: 0% complete
PR Writing - Newsletter: 99% complete
PR Practice - PR Plan: 20% complete
Visual Design - Brochure: 0% complete
Computer Skills - Christmas Card: 0% complete

I'm confident in my ability to finish everything in the next couple days so I can truly relax all next week. I've decided to "work from home" tomorrow because I figure I'll get more done if I don't spend 4 hours in the rainy commute to and from school.

Have I mentioned how much I hate the commute? It would be tolerable if school wasn't in the desolate wasteland known as Richmond, but it is. The nearest Starbucks is 15 minutes from campus and thus not feasible for a morning coffee and thus unacceptable.

What first world problems have you faced lately?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hello World

Alex: Calm down, Lisa. DMY.
Lisa: What's DMY?
Alex: Don't mess yourself.
Lisa: Eeew!
Alex: Yeah, that's why we changed it to DMY. 

- Lard of the Dance, S10E01